Your Power Lunch and Learn Committee
The power lunch committee plans monthly “speed networking” events at CABA member restaurants, where CABA members have an opportunity to sponsor a table and/or reserve a seat for round-robin B2B networking.
An exclusive CABA member benefit, the power lunch is a great way to enjoy lunch while promoting your business to CABA members: your next great referral partners!
Within a 90-minute time frame, you have the opportunity to engage 30+ CABA members who will hear your one-on-one presentation one table at a time. It may be the most productive 90 minutes of your month!
Sponsorships sell out almost as quickly as CABA posts a power lunch on the calendar, and most CABA power lunches sell out, so don’t wait to register.
Come prepared for POWER networking! Be sure to bring a lot of business cards, brochures, and promotional items. Power lunches are held every month at a CABA-member restaurant.
Lunch and Learns are events when guest speakers from the Tampa community are invited to share important information at this luncheon style format. Another opportunity for CABA members to network.
Call CABA’s board liaison, Lizzie Walker Neal, for the power lunch for questions or to join the power lunch committee.

Lizzie Walker Neal
Power Lunch and Learn Committee Board Liaison